Wednesday, September 18, 2024

dawn patrol- kayak amsterdam

This was one of the days that I want to remember forever, and ever. We did an early morning kayak session through the canals of Amsterdam. Before the kids woke up I pumped and prepped our kayaks and then we all woke up an jumped into the kayak and were outside before the world woke it. We can just start from our house steps and got into the kayaks from our canal and took off to central. It was conditions: no wind, perfect lighting, and just so peaceful with nobody on the water. It was surreal having the canals all to ourselves. We kept saying, "wow, we live here!" Just a special day in June for the books. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Bath, England

May 7, 2024:  Bath was the final stop on our England roadtrip. We just did one night here, and really only had a half day here to explore because we flew out early the next morning. It wasn't enough time, but we spent our time well! This was one of the cities that Riley's dad served his mission in so we had a lot of good recommendations and just loved walking the streets and seeing amazing architecture. It was definitely a city we could spend more time in. Riley caught a show that evening and me and the kids had a nice night and view of some hot air balloons and loved watching the sunset from our roof top.  

She's a little daddies girl these days :)

Luke found a shell, and Clay gathered sticks

rooftop view and rooftop crew
we climbed out the window and enjoyed some hot air balloon and had some laughs

HOWW? These street artist are so cool sometimes. 

We love going to Evensong where we can, this one was really pretty inside and surprisingly the kids were more reverent in here than they are on Sundays at our place. 

May or may not have bribed them all with sushi to go to Evensong with us. 
A nice sunrise on the early ride to airport home. A nice send-off!