Wednesday, March 5, 2025

February 2025

February flew by in a blink—I can hardly believe it’s over. Lots of happy little memories. The boys had two weeks off school, giving us plenty of time to relax and enjoy a slower pace. One of the highlights was my ski trip to France with Luke—such a special adventure! Another favorite moment was our Les Misérables date with Riley. Riley went to London this month for a photoshoot and also Rotterdam for some tennis watching. We had plenty of playdates and laid-back days with the kids, a candy castle and even a jump-square day with Dad.  Here is a bunch of random photos from the phone to remember these slow winter February days.
Luke made a lego temple.
I was proud of my homemade cheez-its this month and attempted homemade tortillas! 
Riley took a trip to London for a few nights for a photoshoot for Nike. 

And checked off a bucket list by seeing Alcaraz play. 
A couple master studies this month and a cute backpack i embroidered for Lucy! 
It is white, and wont stay that way long. . . but it was only 6 euros and was too cute to pass up on and add her name to it. 

She looks so old here! I can just see her going to school in a couple years. 
Hanging out at the skate park,

Lucy managed to lock herself in a locker during swim, she was in there a solid 5+ minutes while I tracked down an employee to help open locker. Good times. 

In the netherlands, licorice is the intermission snack of choice. 
We made a goal to go to the Temple once a month, its not too far away but takes up most of a Saturday. We've been switching off months. Riley got to go this month! 

That one time the sun was shinning and Clay had to soak it up. 

Clay teaching Lucy checkers. 
Fun times with Dad while we were on the ski trip! 
Clay had a school concert and was very brave little sheep and danced around while they played Old Mcdonad's Farm in dutch. 
Lucy is such a riot! A couple get-ups she insisted on wearing around town and to pick the boys up for school. 

Clay made his own goalie. 

Just a couple good sickness this month to keep us humble

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Ski Trip with Luke!

Feb 16-19, 2025:
This past week Luke hit the slopes on skis for the first time. It was such a fun trip, just the two of us concurring the french alps together. I'm super proud of Luke for getting up again and again and learning to ski this week. Such a fun thing to witness and be apart of. The first day was really challenging, lots of falling and frustration and some tears. We took lots of breaks and had some good times sledding too. I decided to put him in a lesson at the end of the first day and things just clicked during the lesson for him and he really mastered the basics. From then on, he took on all the green slopes on the mountain and we did a lot of blue (harder) runs the next day too.  It was a really perfect following day of the mountain. The weather was so nice during our trip, felt like spring skiing! I was grateful for that, because he spent a lot of time on the ground that first day anyways.

Other things I want to remember was  reading harry potter together, sharing a bed, card games, and french bakery runs. It was a really good time together and so grateful for these days we got just the two of us exploring La Clusaz and Saint-Jean de Six.